Roach Control & Extermination

Eliminate Cockroaches From Your Home
Cockroaches are a common pest problem in both homes and businesses. They are known for being difficult to eradicate and can quickly become a health hazard, spreading disease, and triggering allergies.
Types of roaches found in Virginia include:
- American – largest species of the common cockroach, measures 1.5″, is reddish brown with a yellowish area behind the head, and have the longest life cycle of all roaches living over 1.5 years. They prefer darkness and are considered one of the fastest-running insects covering 50 body lengths per second.
- Asian – they are approximately ½” with the main difference between Asian/German is that Asian roaches can fly and are attracted to light. Also known as prolific breeders.
- German – most common roach in the USA. They are approximately ½” long and feed primarily at night (mainly on human food, although they can eat furniture glue/bookbinding glue).
- Oriental – they are approximately 1″ in length and are dark brown/almost black. They are attracted to leaky faucets/pipes, sinks, and toilets, and mainly feed on human starches.
What do they look like?
Cockroaches can measure over 2″ in length, have six (6) legs, two (2) antennae, and can even have wings although they are not adept at flying.
How Do We Handle Cockroaches?
To combat this problem, pest control services offer a range of options for roach control in both residential and commercial settings. Our program will treat the perimeter of your home with bait and gels, seal/plug gaps in pipes and cracks, and retreat in two weeks to help fortify your home.
What Are The Next Steps To Protecting Your Home?
Contact Pest Exit to schedule an inspection. Pest control services offer a range of options for roach control in both residential and commercial settings. They begin with an inspection from a licensed team member who will provide a recommendation for treatment.