Your Pest Control Experts in the Shenandoah Valley, West Virginia,  and Loudoun Areas

Termite Control & Extermination

Termites sitting on rocks

Eliminate Termites From Your Home

Termites living in your home can cause notable damage in the long run if they are not dealt with when you first see signs of an infestation. Virginia is commonly home to two main species of termite, the Eastern Subterranean Termite and the Formosan Termite. Termites engage in swarming in order to expand from their original colonies. When springtime arrive, termites will they seek out wooden structures to eat, create colonies and start mating.

Both of Virginia’s termite species use mud tubes as a source of moisture and protection while they are moving into your home. They tend to enter your home from underneath from a variety of entry points including:

  • Under door frames
  • Around windows
  • Through Foundation cracks and seams
  • In space around pipes
  • Places wood touches earth

Termites are attracted to light and excessive ground moisture, especially around leaky pipes. They’ll also enjoy wood debris in your yard for feeding.

Protect Your Home From Termites

Subterranean termite infestations are commonly discovered from a network of mud tubes, but they also leave behind other signs, including:

  • Swarmers arrive early in the spring
  • Wings off near windows
  • Wood damage

Types of Termites:

Swarmer Termites

These are black in color and have wings that are double the length of their body. They are the primary reproducers of the colony.

Soldier Termites

These termites are about ⅜ inch in size and have a reddish-brown head and creamy-colored body. These are subterranean termites, and you typically will not see them out in the open except when they fly in the fall as the humidity changes.

Worker Termites

These are small termites, only about a ¼ inch, and are creamy-white in color. They forage for food, protect the colony, and feed the reproducers.

Protect Your Home From Termites

Staying up to date on home repairs is crucial to safeguarding your structure from these wood-chomping insects.

  • Check the grade of the soil near your foundation. If water can pool around your home, add dirt and slope it away.
  • Ensure your gutter downspouts are positioned away from your foundation. If need be, add downspout extenders to push water farther away from your home.
  • Have foundation cracks repaired when you can. Keeping water away from your foundation will prevent these cracks from growing larger.
  • Remove logs or wood debris in your yard, as these are perfect breeding grounds for termites.
  • Reduce earth-to-wood contact around your home as much as possible. Keep things like wood siding, door frames, and window frames at least 6 inches above the ground.
  • Seal any leaking plumbing fixtures both indoors and outdoors.

Choose Pest Exit for a thorough termite inspection and if necessary, to treat your home with our talented Technician and Inspection teams. We have over 26 years of experience guiding customers to exceed expectation time and time again.